Thursday, January 28, 2010

How I Feel

So how am I feeling? That seems to be the question that I get daily from anyone who is aware of our pregnancy.

Overall, I feel pretty good. I have good days and bad, although, I've not had any *really* horrible days so far. For that I am thankful.

The nausea has pretty much stayed at bay, for the most part. Over the past week I've had a few rough evenings where I feel like I'm on a ship out to sea. Usually that icky feeling is cured by eating, however, food isn't at the top of my favorites list ... yet! So eating to cure the nausea can be an interesting feat. It's a double edged sword apparently.

The lack of appetite is one thing I haven't really gotten used to. Those of you who know me well know that I love all things chocolate. Strangely enough I haven't really been interested in any sweets since Mavis has been in the picture. My favorite foods are cucumbers and tomatoes with oil and vinegar mixed in. I've also grown pretty fond of salads which were never at the top of my favorites list.

For a short while in week 6 I had a pickle addiction but that's long gone and we now have 2 un-opened jars sitting in the fridge. Free pickles anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Here is my thoughts....

    I craved healthy salads and fruits with my SON
    I craved Chocolate and ANYthing sweet with my DAUGHTER...

    Lets see if I am right in predicting a BOY for you!!
